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Splash Access
16 results

Splash Access IPSK / WPN Education Campus
Splash Access’ aim is to simply ensure students get connected and stay connected in the easiest, user friendly way possible.
Splash Access
Cisco Meraki splash pages for WiFi that integrates into Paypal, Stripe, MailChimp, Azure, Gsuite, Mailjet, Zapier for marketing and Authentication.
Splash Sense Analytics
Splash Access has integrated into the Cisco Meraki MV Sense location analytics API to set camera threshold alerts with text messages via Twilio.
Splash MV ALPR Alerts
Splash Sense can now detect vehicles (with and without) license plate, make, model, color and use this information to create security notifications.
Splash Access IoT MT Solution
Cisco Meraki MT IoT Assistance Solution Streamlined button, temperature and door sensor notifications system. A complete all-in-one solution
Splash AD Authentication
Splash Access can be integrated with any AD , ADFS & SAML Identity provider , allowing users to provide their credentials to gain access.
Splash Access Retail Analytics
SplashCMX enables clients to use location data from the Meraki cloud to make defined business decisions .
SplashAccess IPSK / WPN Senior Living Solution
Our goal is to provide Senior residents with a seamless IPSK WPN WiFi experience that is not only easy to use but also secure and reliable. With SplashAccess, we offer a user-friendly and secure Private Bubble that makes staying connected a breeze, Experience WiFi connectivity that's as seamless as your home .
Secure IPSK Rotating QR Code Solution
Simple secure QR code rotation every day , week , month or year , you choose the duration . Visitors can secure a key and optionally print it off for quick simple access . Additional Group Policys / WPN can be applied as well with group segmentation .
Splash Access Contact Tracing
COVID-19 has affected industries and sectors across the globe with governments placing restrictions on social gatherings and meeting in public places.
Splash MV Retail Fashion Tags
NEW Deep Fashion Tagging will enrich your knowledge about your customer. You can improve user experience on your stores leading to increased revenue.
SplashAccess Duo MFA WIFI
Secure your Cisco Meraki SSID with SAML / AZURE / LDAP etc with additional DUO MFA